Monday, April 13, 2009

Discussion of the act of resistatnce

1. Taking action to oppose to certain norm, institution, propaganda etc.

2. I believe an act of resistance can be at any size or scale. It really depends on the idea that the act tries to resist against. Some action may require longer term investment to obtain result, and some may need larger scale to be effective.

3. yes, an act of resistance can be invisible to others, especially when the act is deliberately avoid participating in certain activity rather than actively engaged in a particular activity. For example, it is hard to notice if people deliberately stop buying things from certain retailer because of some social concerns.

4. eg. graffiti, boycott use of plastic bag or any non-recyclable material, telling stories in public sphere (eg. blog, you tube) that may go against the major belief or what is being told in the mainstream media ... Some of these acts would take longer time to be effective or be aware by majority of the crowd. But the popularity of internet may allow certain stories spread like virus that it may take only short time to promote the resistance.

6. Détourned existing video or sound material to create new or opposing meaning of the original in order to reveal issues people concern. You tube / goolge video type of public broadcasting sites are common platform to do that. Blogging is also common way for people to express and promote opposing view against the social norm.

7. It can be time sensitive. For example if the act of resistance is dealing with social political issue, it is important to act in right timing. It is true to most of the successful revolutions. However the duration could be long or short. Some resistance act takes long time to see the result.

8. eg. terrorist, democracy, freedom ... they are commonly used in the main stream media to justify certain government action, without putting them into the proper context.

10. Don't rely on single information source to get informed about what's going on in our society. Also communicate openly with people that have different points of view or experience. A lot of our belief comes from personal interaction with the people we trust.

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